Monday, February 11, 2013

The 'Getting Ready' Fun Never Stops

I'm sure a few readers have thought, well, she hasn't written a blog post in months, so the Ecuador thing is out the window....nope. Still on! Am I too lazy to write? Maybe. But I think I've been just so freaking busy...still renovating (whoo hoo) and I am down to my last BIG project, and still have a few small projects to finish up.

The next big, and I mean BIG project is the kitchen, and after several deliveries, broken pieces (that happens) missing pieces and now.....ta dum dum dum.... the last two cabinet doors that were delivered are the wrong doors. They are just a few inches too big for the cabinet frame. Renovation is fun!

Hub's rental house is on the market. We've had our estate sale, which was a success. We are living lean, we have all the basic furniture pieces plus just a few decorative items, but most were sold, and guess what? Other than missing my casserole dishes and nicer wine glasses, we are good. Less is just fine with us. On that same note, I have been looking at ways to reduce our cost of living since I quit my job to do the renovation work and looking for alternative products that we won't be able to get in Ecuador.

My shampoo and conditioner alone cost $26 each! My moisturizer cost almost $40 for a really small container! Yikes!! In addition to downsizing, cutting back, etc, I also want to eat healthier and buy smarter - many high end beauty products that we are so accustomed to using may not be available in Ecuador. Cleaning products are more expensive, comparatively speaking, than the US. Many expats (and wanna-be expats) express a frustration about not being able to get certain items, and I do not want to fall into the whiny category just because my favorite perfume or lipstick...or peanut butter isn't available.

This search for alternative products has lead me to exploring all natural solutions. Not the 'natural' we are used to seeing on packaging....the labeling in this country is a joke and nothing about 'all natural' is really all that natural! I mean readily available products that do NOT contain carcinogens, harmful chemicals......

The shampoo and conditioner...did I ever buy more? No....I am using....drumroll please.....baking soda and water mixture. Don't faint. And for cider vinegar, diluted with a small amount of water. Did you faint? Yes, my hair is clean. And it looks fantastic! Guess what? Are you sitting down? I am using homemade hairspray as well. Three ingredients: lemon, water and rubbing alcohol. I live in the South, and it works! No more chemicals on my head..... So at least my hair is ready for Ecuador, LOL (Note: baking soda is sold in very small quantities in Ecuador so I will be bringing several very large boxes in my luggage)

My next blog post will be safe and effective alternatives to all the nasty chemicals....unless I am too busy gnashing teeth and cursing with the kitchen renovation....wish me luck.

Hasta luego, cheers and all that,

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you posted this!
    I remember you mentioning this before in a conversation, but didn't save the info.
    I've been wanting to try this!
    Thanks, girlfriend!
